Get to know us!
The TEAM Approach has been working for more than twenty-five years to develop “the people dimension” of organizations like yours. We provide services that can help you reduce turnover, increase engagement, and results. We can also support your internal HRD team in these same initiatives with train-the-trainer options.
To give you a chance to get to know us, we offer the following three sample events to provide a personal experience with us and our solutions. We call them “experiential brochures”. Choose one of the following that will meet an existing need and call us to schedule it for your evaluation team. No fee to facilitate these “samplers” if traveling in our local area.
- Essential Skills of Leadership– for information on full program
- AiA Classic – for information on full program
- DiSC Model of Behavior – for information on the DiSC model
Essential Skills of Leadership
Create Permanent Measurable Performance Improvements…
In this 90 minute preview participants will experience the foundational module in the Vital Learning Leadership Essential Series.
Essential Skills of Leadership builds a foundation that enables team leaders to manage their team toward to a shared goal: achieving the organization’s strategic objectives through commitment rather than compliance.
During this preview session participants will review video presentations and participate in group discussions as presented in the full program. Your audience might include human resource professionals evaluating the program as well as team leaders and managers who can critique the content.
The full 4-6 hour workshop is designed for 6 to 18 participants and includes the following areas of focus:
- Maintain & Enhance Team Member Self Esteem
- Develops the critical skills necessary to effectively give orders, evaluate performance, correct work habits, deal with complaints, and resolve conflicts while supporting a team members’ sense of self-respect and dignity.
- Focus on Behavior
- Problems on the job are solved more effectively and less stressfully when a team leader deals with what people do rather than with their attitudes.
- Encourage Team Member Participation
- Involving team members in decision making, problem solving and other activities is one of the most powerful motivational tool
AIA Classic (formerly called Adventures in Attitudes)
Develop Self Management Skills, Hyper Human Skills, Emotional Intelligence Skills and Transform your Culture!
AiA Classic is a seminar in communication and interpersonal problem solving with nearly universal appeal. It builds individual and group effectiveness by concentrating on the powerful effects created by our underlying (and often ignored) attitudes about ourselves and the world around us. In a non-threatening environment, AiA Classic probes these attitudes and examines their far-reaching effects. It presents alternate attitudes and skills that will help overcome barriers to performance…increase productivity…help make personal satisfaction deeper and more lasting.
AiA Classic teaches employees that how they respond to people and events around them is ALWAYS their choice. The program is a complete interpersonal skills course built on 20 ninety-minute modules which can be delivered in a variety of formats: over the course of 10 weeks or over a year with application assignments between sessions; or it can be delivered all at once in three, four or even five day formats for an intensive team building experience. It is a powerful program that has been life changing for many who have experienced it.
AIA Classic is ready to be previewed by your organization. This fast-paced introduction takes participants through a series of six highly-interactive exercises designed to showcase the power of attitude in our lives.
Your audience might included human resource professionals evaluating the program as well as employees from a wide variety of positions who can critique the content. If presented as a program for a professional organization there is no sales pitch included.
AIA Classic contains ten units:
- Communication
- Attitude Awareness
- Self-Confidence
- Understanding
- Personality
- Relationships
- Group Dynamics
- Work
- Purpose and Goals
- Personal Development
To learn more download a white paper
The Facilitator guides the process, but participants learn through their personal involvement in discussions of the projects. The learning is derived as much from the process as from the content. A truly unique approach to improving interpersonal relations and building the skills needed to succeed in today’s workplace.
Introduction to the DiSC Personalities @ Work
Use DiSC to create style awareness and people smarts in management, team, sales and service environments. Use for conflict and performance management, coaching, and more…
The DiSC profile, in its many variations, has been a key tool in our business for the past 28 years and has been used by over 40 million people since its development in the 1960’s. Because of the comprehensive family of DiSC tools and numerous delivery formats, there are countless ways DiSC can be offered in your organization. From a highly interactive DiSC online course, to year long process of team development, DiSC can meet a variety of situations and formats to fit your need.
In this 90 minute DiSC preview session participants will:
- Become aware of their behavioral strengths as they relate to others
- Identify the potential contribution their behavioral strength brings to a relationship or team
- Discover that the behavioral strengths of others may be different from their own
- Learn how they can communicate better with people whose strengths are different from theirs.
Your audience might included human resource professionals evaluating the program as well as employees from a wide variety of positions who can critique the content. If presented as a program for a professional organization there is no sales pitch included. The presentation can be adapted for a wide variety of contexts such as sales, leadership, teambuilding, etc. For large audiences a nominal fee for handouts may be included.