Essence of Caring

Improve Attitude, Morale and Communication Skills

Enable employees in Clinics, HMOs and Managed Care to accomplish more with fewer resources while maintaining essence_2quality of work and client loyalty.

Specifically, The Essence of Caring will do the following:

  • Reduce customer complaints and staff turnover.
  • Lessen the risk of client litigation through enhanced staff interpersonal skills.
  • Build patient loyalty and positive word of mouth advertising.
  • Support continuous quality improvement initiatives.
  • Create pride in routine performance.
  • Encourage and support employee teamwork.
  • Improve attitude, morale and communication skills.
  • Reinforce your customer service philosophy.
  • Empower staff to deal more effectively with patient problems.

About the Program

The goal of The Essence of Caring is to improve service to internal and external customers – clients, their families, the medical and non-medical staff, and each other!

  • The program is driven by 60 minutes of video delivered in three sessions of up to two hours each. The video provides positive and negative examples to enable participants to identify and learn.
  • The user-friendly Leader Guide is used by facilitators to implement the learning system on site. Facilitators are selected by your organization based on their peer respect, enthusiasm and their true belief in the importance of quality service.
  • participant book and support materials are used by employees to maintain enthusiasm and commitment. Outside reading enhances the learning experience and reduces the amount of time participants and facilitators are away from their normal duties by as much as sixteen hours.


Introductory Start-up Special Package For 25 Participants

Participant Package

Everything you need to run the “Essence of Caring” in your own organization. Train 25 employees at once with participant guides, quality technique cards, a facilitator guide with 3 accompanying DVDs, and certifications of accomplishment. Order now. Need participant packages for more than 25 employees? Add more here.


Facilitator Package

We Train Your Team: One Day In House Seminar

Combine with participant guides to build a package for a smaller team. A user-friendly 120 page count page Leader Guide and DVDs for a leader (facilitator) to train a group of participants. Order Facilitator Package. Want us to handle the training? A Certified Trainer will present the “Essence of Caring” material to your group! Included in the seminar are Participant Packages. Minimum 20 participants required. Sign up now.


We Train You To Train: One Day Train-the-Trainer Seminar

A Certified Trainer will teach the material to a person within your organization, who can then train individuals at your organization. Included are Participant Packages. Sign up now.Packages are available:

  • For 1 to 10,000+ participants, quantity discounts are available (click a package above to learn more)
  • In several languages including English, Spanish, Chinese, Russian, Indonesian, Romanian, Arabic, and Portuguese. Exceptional Service can also be translated into other languages
  • Can be personalized for your organization