In Beta

PXT Select™ Beta Test

Beta testing of PXT Select™  begins on April 28 and runs through June 24, 2016.We need organizations who can use the beta assessment in some part of their actual selection/hiring process for any of the 21 Job Categories now available. Here is the PXT Select Reports Overview_Beta2t.

What does the assessment include?

The PXT Select assessment includes three categories of questions—cognitive, behavioral, and interests. The question sets are broken down as follows:


  • Verbal skill (how extensive a person’s vocabulary is)
  • Verbal reasoning (a person’s ability to apply knowledge and understand the relationships between different words and concepts)
  • Numerical ability (a person’s ability to perform mathematical calculations)
  • Numerical reasoning (a person’s ability to apply understanding of mathematical concepts in different ways to solve problems)

Behavioral: This section looks at the following 9 behavioral scales:

  • Pace (Steady ↔ Urgent)
  • Assertiveness (Unassuming ↔ Forceful)
  • Sociability (Reserved ↔ Outgoing)
  • Conformity (Strong-willed ↔ Compliant)
  • Outlook (Skeptical ↔ Trusting)
  • Decisiveness (Deliberate ↔ Bold)
  • Accommodation (Steadfast ↔ Agreeable)
  • Independence (Reliant ↔ Autonomous)
  • Judgment (Intuitive ↔ Factual)

Interests: This section looks at the following 6 interest areas:

  • Creative
  • Enterprising
  • Financial/Administrative
  • Mechanical
  • People Service
  • Technical

How long does it take to complete the assessment?

The time varies by each person—both in how long the person takes to answer each question and in the number of questions the person sees due to adaptive testing. Some people complete the assessment in 30 minutes. Others take 90 minutes or more. The average time to complete is about 45 minutes.

For more information:

View videos and get more information about the beta version of PXT Select here.

Sign up for Beta2:

There is no cost to participate, other than your feedback to the publisher. We value your input and ability to help make this the best hiring tool available.

To attend a PXT beta briefing, or sign up to participate, please register below:

Fill out my online form.